what's going on


So I had found out I was pregnant on may 14. I have been bleeding since may 2nd. My hcg levels were very low 57 then 2 days later they were 76. I went to the emergency room on may 20th due to having bad back pain and stomach cramps they did a vaginal ultrasound and and abdominal ultrasound doctor said they didn't see anything that it could be a very early pregnancy which I kinda of already figured then he told me my hcg levels were 67 they dropped well the next day i started to bleed heavy for 2 days then it was very light I'm still bleeding til this day. I figured I was miscarrying its been almost 2 weeks and my hpt are still coming out positive my boobs are sore again. more then the 1st time I went for more blood work today. got to wait for results until.Has anyone had any similar situations? What was the outcome.