Pregnant and other half clubbing

So I am 32 weeks pregnant and my partner has said he’s going out into town with his friends clubbing tonight. I don’t have a problem with this all I have asked is that he isn’t too hungover tomorrow as I wanted to spend the day together. - this comes after he has said recently he doesn’t feel like we are a couple as we spend hardly any time together and are rarely having sex as I find it too uncomfortable now.

He has completely kicked off and saying that he never goes out and that I’m basically controlling him but not once have I ever said he shouldn’t go out!

I also feel like he doesn’t respect the fact that I can no longer go out and drink with my friends. I am stuck at home every night feeling uncomfortable, exhausted and sorry for myself while he’s able to go out and do as he pleases.

Is it really wrong of me to ask him to not be hungover tomorrow so we can spend the day together?! 😔