Do you need RHOgam shot for miscarriages?


I went in for my 9 week appointment on the 23rd, planning to seem my little bean

for the first time. But the baby was measuring about a week and a half smaller than expected. So they took some blood, and then took some more Friday. And my levels had dropped by around 600. They told me to prepare for miscarriage. But I stupidly remained hopeful and optimistic. Yesterday they did another ultrasound and verified that the baby was gone.... Now I go in Monday to get misoprostol to start this miscarriage. Words cant even describe how heartbroken I am.

I started reading online to kind of help prepare myself and I read that you may need RHOgam during miscarriage to prevent from developing antibodies after miscarriage. My doctor never mentioned this. He never even told me if I was RH positive or negative. Now Im terrified to start bleeding and have all my future pregnancies affected....

Did anyone get the RHOgam shot after a micarriage?