I don’t know if this is pregnancy symptoms or not

So I have PCOS & having PCOS has made it super hard for me to get pregnant in the last 3 years. I’m still fairly young & Im not entirely sure what my symptoms should be or if it’s to early. I have very irregular cycles & I almost never know when my period is going to come. My last period was on May 2nd & lasted until May 16th. Glow tells me I should of ovulated right after my period ended but I didn’t have any cervical mucus. Maybe between then & now I have & my boyfriend & I TTC every time we have sex. But this week, I started having bad headaches (which even with medication it didn’t stop), I had hot flashes, my boobs feel like they are heavier, they are a little sore around the outer parts of my boobs & my nipples aren’t much different but do feel a bit more sensitive. I’ve been cramping a tiny bit & last week everytime I wiped I would have cm with a little bit of blood. Also for the past 3 days, I’ve been getting random waves of nausea & last night was the worst & I didn’t go to sleep until 5 a.m bc of it. I’ve been eating more as usual too & I completely changed my diet from eating junk food to not being able to even look at it because all I want is fruits & vegetables. Which something else is weird as well, I absolutely have ALWAYS hated carrots but last week I tried one & I LOVED it & haven’t been able to stop wanting them. I’m scared to test because I don’t want it to be negative like every other test & I don’t want to take it bc if it positive, I’m probably going to be so scared of another miscarriage. Does this sound to anyone that has PCOS like I could be? Or is it to early for all these symptoms & maybe my body is just acting weird?