My dreaded day

Amber • ttc #1 🌈with the love of my life at 33. 2 babies in heaven 💙

My pregnancy has been anything but normal!! my last pregnancy my fetus/baby passed on 6w4d. Today is that day FOR THE 3RD TIME in this pregnancy. 1st was my own calculations. 2nd I was diagnosed as blighted ovum... 3 days later they saw a yolk sac, my gestational sac measured 6 week. 3rd is now... I don't have a blighted ovum and I saw my peanuts heartbeat last Wednesday. Apparently my calculations were wrong because of my irregular period and my lil bean measured 6 weeks exactly. I couldn't sleep last night in fear that it's going to happen again. I feel like I'm living the movie Grounghog day. I have another ultrasound Wednesday and I'm praying my heart off I get to hear the heartbeat this time!!! please pray for us. This has been rollercoaster ride for us.