Tell everyone or not


I’m 30 long days away from my due date lol and I’m debating on who we let know we’re going to the hospital. This is our first child and of course our families are so excited. My mother will be in the room with my SO and I to help through the delivery but other then that I don’t want anyone to know that we are in the hospital until I’m ready for people to come visit. My mother in law has already said how pissed she would be if we didn’t tell her I was in labor because she wants to come to the hospital with us and I told her it was because after delivery no one is allowed back in our room for 2 hours (hospital rules) and that I may want more time then that to focus on breast feeding, getting comfortable and hell maybe take a quick recovery nap if all goes as planned (I know probably wishful thinking). I also don’t want the pressure of feeling like I have to hurry to pull myself together because there is a waiting room full of people waiting to meet our child as soon as our 2 hours of alone time is up. I understand everyone is excited and I’m so grateful that our child is loved but I want to be happy and excited for people to come visit not feel pressured and watching the clock as our 2 hours of alone time slip away.