Weird Dream


So hello everyone,

I had a pretty stressful day yesterday. My man was acting up. We were fighting a little. He was getting a little jealous- WHATEVER. But the dream I had last night was SO weird. Basically, I’m in the marching band at school- and we’re preparing to fly to NYC. So, we get on the plane and we’re all ready to go, then I realized that I forgot to pack anything 🤦🏽‍♀️ So, I get my grandma to come pick me up lol Then she brings me to my house to pack my bags. I go back, throw the bags into the plane literally. Then, I get back on. At this time I’m sitting next to my best friend, we’re ready to go. And suddenly, the plane shoots off. But instead of going up at an incline- IT GOES UP AND THEN GOES UPSIDE DOWN. I almost peed myself. Then the pilot claimed, “oh that was just a test to see if everyone had their seatbelts on.” I didn’t- I held on for dear life 😂 So, then we fly like normal, land in NYC, everyone is excited and ready to go-they’re getting dressed. I’m looking for my uniform then I realize that I forgot it. I immediately start crying. No one has an extra. I’m pretty much stuck and unable to march. So I’m walking alongside the flute section as they’re marching (bc I’m a flute) and I stop in Times Square (can you imagine a marching band through a busy Times Square????) and this dude who definitely looked older came up to me with his friend (idk how he looked.) they start talking to me and the guy is like, “do you play? Because usually every beautiful girl does.” And basically hardcore flirting with me. Then the dream ends lol. Could this mean anything? Or is my mind just insane at night?