God bless the NHS


I know a lot of people complain about the NHS but this week they saved my daughters life. On Wednesday evening she had a raging temperature and heavy breathing so I called for an ambulance. The paramedics observed her for an hour and decided to take her to Birmingham Childrens Hospital. The doctors rushed to her immediately upon arrival and it took them an hour to fit a cannula into her veins and provided her with antibiotics. Then they took her away to do a lumbar puncture. To say it was horrific is an understatement! So we spent 3 days in the hospital and the bloods taken shown that she had contracted Meningococcal. We were so lucky that they caught it and treated it the way they did! All the nurses and doctors were beyond amazing! Our little girl is now home and receiving antibiotics every day until Wednesday. All the way through this ordeal she has still given us lots of smiles and been just amazing. NEVER EVER DISTRUST YOUR MOTHERLY INSTINCTS!