
Shannon • 4th pregnancy, second set of twins! Due January 2019. Baby boy and Baby girl!

We ended up going to the ER today for cramping and spotting, about 6wks along. while there they did a blood draw to check my hormone level. doc said if it's 1500 or more, we'll do an ultra sound. it came back 9200! so they take me in and set me up for the ultra sound, and I'm watching the tech do her thing and enjoying the view. I see a heart beat! there's the sac! .... wait, there's another sac... did she just type baby a, baby b? of course the whole time the tech is silent and I know she isn't allowed to answer questions so I keep quiet. they wheel me back to the ER room after and I just look at my SO with a guilty grin.. he asks what, but I tell him I don't want to say anything without hearing from the doctor first. hey I could be mistaken. but no, she comes in smiling and says she knows why my symptoms have been bad, and the hormones so high. there are in deed two babies. one is 5weeks 6days, and the other is 6weeks 1day. I'm still in shock and I have soooo many feelings about this news. ultimately we are excited. this will be my second set of twins, and I have two singleton babies as well. 6kids! this is still setting in! WOW! I called my mom and told her about our impromptu visit to the ER, and she asked if everything was ok. I told her yes, both babies are doing well! we both just started laughing! thank God doctor feels the cramping and spotting were just normal and everyone's good so far. today sure has been a roller coaster ride!