Finally To Give My Birth Story💛

Tiana • First Time Mommy 🚼 21 Years Young 💕

This is a long story so I apologize 😂 but it’s a good one 👌🏻 Thursday May 24 I had my NST and to check the body of waters and I was at a 10.8 which was good. Friday May 25 I was at work and I had a little leak of water and didn’t think anything of it. Saturday May 26 I once again had a leak of water but thought it was discharge. On Tuesday May 29th I went to do another NST and check body of water for my baby girl and I was at a 3.8%

So apparently my water broke on Friday and I had no clue. I then get checked by my doctor for him to tell me that I was at a not dilated what so ever and I was at a negative 2 as well.

So at 9 am he sent me to go get induced! 😐 which honestly it wasn’t as bad at first taking the pills ever 4 hours and walking for hours around the hospital! The the Pitocin was then started around 10pm and contractions were coming along quickly! I moved up to not being open to opening up to 2cm

At 1 pm May 30th I had gone up to 5cm ! And I then I demanded the epidural! Those contractions are no joke! Thank God that I have an amazing boyfriend who helped me get through the pain💛

Within the hour I jumped to 9cm! And I was having such an amazing nap when my nurse woke me to tell me that soon my baby girl will arrive! Then around 6 pm I was ready to push and meet my bundle of joy!

I pushed for about 10 minutes to then meet my baby girl Felicity Angelica 💛 So May 30th 2018 at 6:25 pm Weighting at 7 lbs and 11 ounces and 21 inches longs Felicity Angelica came into my life💛