I can't cook 😢😢

I'm 24 and my so is 29 he works alot does alot to provide. he just moved in with me my mom and my daughter and I'm also expecting another baby is October. anyway, when he gets off work he expects a home cooked meal I mean of course he does deserve it. but I can't cook anything besides literally Ramon noodles my mom will cook dinner while he's at work and sometimes says I made it but it's not what he wants or likes he will eat it but I would love to make something he wants or Craves. he is Hispanic and wants the ceviche and chile rellanos and we make stuff like mashed potatoes chicken pork chops beans and cornbread and he just isn't used to that he doesn't really like that anyway can you ladies please give me tips on Mexican food lol like I suck at it all seasoning meat mom and I both suck at I want to be the perfect "wife material" and the fact he thinks I cook and really can't don't help lol he also doesn't cook lol he doesn't know how either his mom always has and I reached out to his mom but we have a bad language barrier as well.