Scared of Marriage? 😔 Does anyone else like their alone time?

Hey guys!

I’ve decided to post this because I believe that there are some girls that feel the same, or at least I hope so.

I will try to be self-aware in this post.

I’m almost 21 and i’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for a year, known each other for two.

We occasionally talk about the day that we will move in together and get settled, but I honestly feel like im far from that day because I need time to grow. He also doesn’t feel like we need to hurry- we really are taking our time and living life.

The people around us though..

The people around us always comment on how we shouldn’t be so scared and theres nothing to wait for.

I honestly can say that I enjoy my alone time right now because I am young and I often am scared of moving in together or getting married because I see many relationships change or get less interesting. I don’t want that. I also enjoy coming home and doing what I want when I want too, without having to think about others than myself.

I know this sounds stupid, but I feel like I have my whole life ahead of me and if he is the one, why rush?

He also wants to take it slow because we are enjoying ourselves just the way it is.

It would be better financially to live together and I often dream of us waking up together and eating breakfast but that isn’t enough to make me rush everything and do it. I believe that we can’t get these years back after we make that move.

I enjoy getting ready to see him and making everything flirty and romantic, and letting ourselves miss one another over the work days. I enjoy laying in bed after work eating chips not saying a word and scrolling through the web or reading a book, not having to worry if someone else needs a meal or feeling rushed if someone needs an ironed shirt.

I often go over to my friends house and she is married. Yeah, the matching towels and wealthy living is great, but she cleans and works for two, he works more to provide, she has two kids and even though they are amazing, they are a hassle and its so much work. I don’t want that right now.

Am I wrong for letting this be the cherry on top of the cake (letting life flow and keep the most beautiful part (moving in together) come naturally? It’s the happy end that I don’t want to happen yet, because I feel like we are so young and I feel like I am still a tad selfish and childish. ( If I wanna come home and sleep or watch my show or idk, then I should do it )

And no, we are very true to each-other and don’t want to see other people- but I don’t get why so many people rush into it just like that?