I thought I was going to be pregnant forever!
Like most pregnant ladies, the closer I got to my due date the more anxious and excited I got! Around 36 weeks I went in for my normal OB appointment, my doctor told me I was 50% effaced and a soft 3 cm dilated! I thought “oh my gosh, he is going to come any minute now”. I was wrong! I waited and waited and stayed dilated and effaced until 40 weeks and 5 days, at which point I requested to be induced! I had gained 70 pounds with this being my first pregnancy and was ready to hold my son! I was scheduled to be induced at 7:30 pm on 2/24/18. I went into spontaneous labor around 4:45 pm on the 24th! Just my luck! I checked into the hospital around 7:15pm and my water broke at 8:10pm. My contractions picked up hard at that point coming every 2-2.5 minutes. Around midnight I decided I needed the epidural! Phew I could sleep a little! Or so I thought! Around 3 am I called for the nurse because I could feel every contraction again and I got my bloody show, she checked me and said that I was at 10 cm and ready to start pushing. I told her my epidural wasn’t working anymore and she said it was too late to get another dose since I was ready to push. So I pushed... for 5 very long and painful hours every 2 minutes!! I finally told the nurse to get my doctor because I had been pushing for ever and not making enough progress! His head was almost crowning but his shoulders couldn’t make it past the birth canal. So my doctor came in and scheduled me for an emergency C-Section since my water had been broken for so long! I was wheeled back at 10:37 and my beautiful Son Lane was born at 11:07 am on 2/25/18 weighing 9lbs 5oz and measuring 21 3/4 inches long! No wonder he was stuck! In the hurry to get him out of me, they didn’t get enough fluid out of his lungs, so when he took his first breath it tore his lungs from the inside of his rib cage (bilateral pneumothorax) so he had to be sent to the NICU. I however did not know this until I woke up from my surgery. I woke up in my room ALONE! I panicked! Finally the nurse came in and told me what had happened. I asked to go see him but they were trying to get him stabilized so I couldn’t! I didn’t get to see him until he was 5 hours old! I didn’t get to hold him until he was 2 and a half days old! Because if he moved too much or cried it could set his healing progress back. It was by far the hardest thing I have ever had to experience. I thank god for my hubby, he was by Lanes side the whole time when I couldn’t be! He kept me strong during this whole ordeal! After spending 6 days in the hospital most of which he was hooked to oxygen and IV’s under a blue light in the NICU we got to go home! And today he is 14 weeks and 1 day old and doing amazing! Despite all the trauma the first week of his life he is breastfeeding amazingly! He now weighs 16.7 lbs and is 27.5 inches long! He is HUGE! And the love of my life ❤️

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.