I just sat and cried for 40 mins straight.


Yes ladies you read the title correctly, I sat and cried for 40 minutes straight and a lot of things ran through my mind during that time. We've been ttc for coming up to 2 and a half years now and it's taking its toll on me emotionally. Not only do I feel let down in myself I also feel like I've let my partner down every month when I see those red dots in my panties or feel cramps coming on which indicates my period starting. I'm sick of holding in my true emotions on a daily basis, pretending to be happy for women announcing their pregnancy when inside I'm dying and jealous. I'm sick of seeing people who don't deserve children getting pregnant one after another knowing that that child is only going to end up in the care system. I'm sick of peeing on a sick, sitting and waiting 10 minutes and then being crushed all over again when there's only one line month in month out. I'm sick of trying different pills and methods just to be let down when they don't work. I'm sick of all this and I'm only 23 this year, I should be in my peak fertility stage, it should be easy for me to get pregnant yet it feels like the hardest, most impossible task ever, but I sick with it and I keep my chin up and I keep trying because I know that one day God will bless us with a miracle and he/she will be the single most loved miracle in the world.