Help please! Implantation or period?


So I got my period last month on May 4th. Started clomid of cd4. Got a pos opk on May 14 and my doctor gave me a trigger shot on the 15th. I had slight cramping on and off for a week after that but was told it was normal.

Now it is June 4th. I am cramping so bad that I could cry. I’ve had to pee like 5 times and it’s only noon. (I normally pee like 3 times a day) and when I went to the bathroom earlier. I had a single light red/brown spot on my liner. But nothing when I wipe. Is this implantation bleeding? Or am I just getting my period but my symptoms are heightened from clomid?

Also, I took a pregnancy test 3 days ago and it came out negative. Was t too early to test? Help please! I’m so confused! I guess I could ride it out and see if I actually get my period. But I’m so hoping I’m pregnant 🙏