My school friends were talking about using words such as crazy, insane or brainless, nutty etc. (read please, not meaning to be offensive in any way at all!!) ❤️

My school friends were talking about using words such as crazy, insane or brainless, nutty etc. (read please, not meaning to be offensive in any way at all!!) ❤️

My baby sister who is 20 was diagnosed with a mental health disorder (I do not want to say), but she is 100% okay with using these words even though it might be hurtful to others. She uses these words and similar words herself. Some of these words are also in lots of songs out there today and she listens all types of music. She is very open, friendly and kind!

I personally feel okay saying these words because it’s okay with My sister!

What are your personal thoughts on using these words?

When it comes to songs and lyrics, do you listen to them and liked the singer then though they say these words?

Again, not meaning to hurt, offend or get anyone upset. 💜💜💜


Thank you all the insight!! This goes to show everyone is loving and open as well! I do use phrases like “insanely cool” and I call someone “crazy” when I see something on the news (because the news is all sorts of stuff), but it’s never intentionally meant to hurt anyone. It’s great to know!