Charlottes birth story


I had pre eclampsia starting at 32 weeks so I had to go for non stress tests twice a week and the Dr said I would be induced at 37 weeks. So I arrived at the hospital at 6:15 am on may 21st just me and my husband our older children were watched by family. they hook me up to the monitors and iv and started pitocin at 8:30. contractions started right away every 2-3 mins. The Dr came in at 9 and broke my water that was painful. So I labored I had to stop and breath through the pain until 11 am and then I got my epeduarl. My husband was holding my hand harder the I was holding his. the epidural was very painful to get but once it was in I was feeling much better. But baby didn't like it. her heart rate would go down with every contraction so I had keep switching sides whitch is really hard to do when you can't feel your legs. so they put internal monitors on her head and gave extra water in so she could move around better. At 2 pm I started feeling lots of pressure so they checked me and I was 7 cm and I could feel lots and lots of pressure it was painful like the epidural wasn't working. but it was just lots of pressure. I was still waiting to dilate more and the monitior

came off the babies head it was the scariest thing because you could hear it beep beep beep. then nothing so all these nurses and drs. run in the room to see what was wrong. it was just the monitors came off her head. they put it back on and everything was fine. At 3:30 I was ready to push we did 3 practice pushes the nurse had to remind me on what to do. I pushed for about 4 contractions and she was out. I guess my eyes were closed because I was so concentrated on pushing the Dr. said "open your eyes she's here" they put her on my chest and she kept holding her breath but she is perfect. 6lbs 5oz 19 in long. she is worth all the pain and Drs appointments and time. I didn't tare and was up walking right after my legs were working again. sorry it's so long. thanks for reading.