Birth images on social media (⚠️ graphic birth image)


If this was posted already let me know and I’ll take it down 🤗

I’ll include a few parts of the article. This also includes Facebook cause both sites are governed by the same policies.


Are they similar to pornographic images?

Is this a good thing or are pictures of babies coming out of vaginas too graphic for social media?

Female nipples are also allowed in birth image context but still not otherwise which is ridiculous imo. But why are they considered “natural” in one picture and not in another?

I think it’s a good thing birth isn’t censored anymore but I’ve seen heated discussions on Facebook about the pictures being “too graphic”, “disgusting”, etc. so I thought I’d bring it here cause I respect the average IQ of CC more than that of Facebook.

EDIT: the featured picture is one of the “harmless” ones, others are actually showing the crowning of the baby so they are graphic images of female vaginas. Does that change your opinion?