The Pill is causing more problems than it’s solving...

moselle. 🌀 • Isaiah 41:13

I originally started the combo pill for my acne, because I’m not currently sexually active. Everything seemed fine the first week of me taking it, and now I think it’s time for me to call it quits. I’ve developed this skin rash on my legs that make my legs go numb sometimes and I think it’s the pill that’s making me have this allergic reaction... even though the doctor said it’s less likely. Also, I have anxiety. And I feel like the pill is making my anxiety worse. I’m more anxious than I’ve been been in a long time, I’ve had more panic attacks and I think I’m dying... it sucks too because I it was clearing up my acne (still have a lot to work through but the results I saw in ONE week were amazing!!) I’m so frustrated because I feel so lost.

Should I keep taking it for my acne and deal with the consequences or find something else? It’s just so hard finding an acne product that works... I’ve gotten no luck until now.