Tiny changes.... big mood boost!

Mary • 21 y/o who doesn’t have anything figured out yet. (We’re working on it).

Hi ladies! A month ago I started a superfood-based nutrition plan hoping to lose some weight, but mostly just be healthier. I’ve been nervous to weigh myself because I didn’t expect to see what I wanted.

Finally I grew a pair and.... I’m 10lbs DOWN! It might not be much now but it’s so encouraging, and my self confidence has always made me just shut down and give up before seeing results. (I also weighed myself in the middle of the day after several meals, so I know the number is probably smaller than I think.)

My next goal is to drop below 200lbs. (I’m 220 now.) I’m looking forward to the day I can actually wear this bikini without a T-shirt over it 😂