Pregnant but bleeding??

Okay so I took 3 pregnancy test about 4 days ago found out I was pregnant due to the faint line showing positive. I finally got off from work 2m so I was going to go to the doctor to check if I am 100% pregnant. But then after a long day of work and stress I got really bad cramps and rushed to the toilet and I’m bleeding it’s not a lot to make me really scared but it’s definitely not spotting. Is it a miscarriage? Do I have my period and the tests were just wrong?? I HAVE NO IDEA AND IM FREAKING OUT.


I’m in the ER now so far nurses took my blood twice and said I’m not pregnant from the urine sample but that the doctor will tel me after the ultrasound. I’ve been waiting for 3 hours to see this doctor and I’m frustrated idk what’s happening rn.

Final update

It was a chemical pregnancy.. it sucks im obviously hurt over it . Every time I see a baby or something is said about pregnancy (which shockingly has seemed often) I feel like I’m going to cry.