Due tomorrow, is the end in sight??


40 weeks tomorrow, this is baby #4, lost my mucus plug yesterday, contractions off and on for the last three days but apparently they aren't strong enough to make any progress. I'm still only 1cm dilated. This is the first pregnancy of mine that WON'T be induced, so I really have no idea what it's like to enter into active labor on my own, nor how long I would have carried my previous 3, they were induced at 38,39&39 weeks. Have been having horrible stabbing pains to the cervix with her movements, and at times it feels as though she's trying to "burrow" her way out of my cervix...can anyone say if these pains indicate cervical change in the near future? Is there anything to be gained from this discomfort? Lol, I am desperate for any type of encouragement, to hear that these are good signs and not just that they're normal and don't necessarily indicate impending labor.