This is why I love him...


I have worked at the same job for over 11 years. I have hated my job for the past 7 years or so but couldn't leave it because my family needed my pay and benefits. But FINALLY, my family and I are in a position where I can leave for a lower paying job. After months of applying and numerous interviews, I finally got a job offer in accounting. Although I am excited, I am also nervous because as most people keep telling me "only a crazy person leaves a job that pays so much and has such great benefits." However, my husband has been my biggest supporter and keeps telling me that it's about the quality of my life and not about my paycheck. Well, this morning was my last day at my old job so as I walked into the garage at 2:30am (yes, I work crazy shitty hours) I found this amazing present and not from husband. I don't know when he had the time to get me the flowers but he is such a thoughtful and loving man. The note was both loving and encouraging. I am more in love with my husband today than I have ever been.