Bendryl affecring AF??


I occasionally use Benadryl for anxiety. Started in April and had my normal ovulation and periods in April and in May. Over the last week, I have had to increase my use to 3 times daily, and will need to continue through the weekend (okayed with doc). I ovulated on schedule (a day early, tracked with OPKs and CM) and my period is supposed to start today, June 6. (I have regular, 28 days cycles).

On Sunday I felt awful all day and in the afternoon had that dark old blood discharge that I usually get when period is starting. Figured I was having a shorter cycle and starting early.

But it has been three days, and all I've had were 2-3 drops of blood here and there on toilet paper and that's it. My first 2-3 days are usually pretty heavy flow. I feel like I'm on my period, have awful cramps, boobs hurt, mood swings. But every time I think oh hey, now it's definitely starting, it disappears.

Definitely not pregnant, have been regular since period returned at 13mo postpartum back in Sept. Only thing different is the stress level and the Benadryl. Has anyone experienced anything similar?? I have had periods delayed by stress before but never this start-stop spotting thing...