A long story...

So this is a long, very boring, very depressing story.

Me and my partner have literally lived together since the day we met. Weird I know, but we weren’t given much choice.. (another long story)

After very little time maybe 6 months or so I fell pregnant. My partner did not want to keep the baby but I couldn’t abort like he wanted. It was rough for a while, he said some horrible, unforgettable things and then eventually it got abit happier when he started to come round.

His family weren’t best pleased and me and his mum fell out, she felt that I forced him into becoming a Dad. We get on okay now, but it’s a strained relationship. We used to be very very close.

We lived with his parents at the time making matters worse but my family helped us manage to move into our own flat. I thought that would solve so many things...

Low and behold. It didn’t. He isn’t at all affectionate, we don’t really speak to one another much when we do we argue, he doesn’t help with any house work or even simple things like making his own lunch for work, he moans when I ask for anything, is off with me the majority of the time but appears to be this lovely person in front of anyone else. I am CRAVING attention and LOVE. But it’s been gone so long I just feel awkward.

He is finally excited to meet the baby or says he is. Which is great, the one thing i so badly wanted. But I feel so depressed because in my eyes our relationship is failing. I don’t feel like a family.

I’m due in 2 weeks and literally feel awful, i just want to crawl up in bed and never get out.