Hi. I'm 16 and I've been pregnant 3 times. I know that that's not good and having sex unprotected is not the way to go yata yata yata. I never made it to full term with any of my pregnancies. I miscarried every single time. the longest I been pregnant was 5 and a half weeks. Even though being a teen mom is not an ideal situation being pregnant made me the happiest I have ever been. I dont try to get pregnant, but we dont do enough to prevent it either.( we use the pull oit method) My best friend might be pregnant. And yes it's not good, but I envy her. I know we're young but the thought that she can have a baby and I haven't been able to carry one really breaks heart. Am I a bad person? Why do I envy her? I know that her having a child right now is stressful so why do I want it? I've been wanting it for almost a year... since my first miscarriage.