So I guess I will start at Monday at my 39 week check up I was dilated to a 2 had been having Braxto...


So I guess I will start at Monday at my 39 week check up I was dilated to a 2 had been having Braxton’s like crazy. So I had my dr do a sweep. Tuesday I was super crampy with menstral like cramps all day, they weren’t too bad just uncomfortable and annoying. So I went for a walk and played just dance. Started having constant Braxton’s or mild contractions that came ever 5-6 minutes for about an hour or two then they would stop. That evening I went to bed and around 1:30 Wednesday morning I started having pretty strong contractions that I didn’t time I just tried to sleep through them. (Because I kept telling myself I wouldn’t know I was in labor from my contractions. I was waiting for my water to break) but Wednesday morning I woke up around 7:30 and couldn’t take the contractions anymore they hurt me enough to want to go to the hospital I had horrible cramps and lower back pain, so me and my husband headed off to triage to see if it was time! When we got there around 8:30 am Wednesday my contractions were coming pretty consistent 4-5 minuets apart I was dilated to a 4 so they monitored me for an hour to see how I progressed after a pretty awful hour I was still at a 4 so they told me to walk around an hour to see if that helped. So me and my husband, being overachievers and really wanting to progress, decided to walk to Panera (which was a mile away from the hospital) to get smoothies. It was the most painful walk, full of hard contractions. I literally thought I was going to have the baby on the side of the road. We got back to our triage room only to be told I was still at a 4 and usually they wouldn’t send someone home that was haveing consistent contractions and at a 4 with having a kid already because usually second labors or more go faster. However it was our unlucky day lol everyone was having babies. They had no labor and delivery rooms available to keep us there. So they sent us home seeing how much more I could take there. So I went home feeling discouraged just really thinking that this was it! Only to be sent home. So I get home and continue to have contractions, dreaming of that precious epidural, wanting to go back to the hospital but not knowing what to do if they have no room. So I waited it out as long as I could, had some dinner and some pineapple. Then I planed to go to bed early to get some rest because I knew was in labor. But the contractions kept coming and even though they went back to being 8-9 minuets apart I still couldn’t get any rest. So I decided to have a little hanky panky with my hubs just to make sure we made some progress before heading back to hospital. I really really didn’t want to get sent home again. Well that really started the contractions coming hard and strong I was crying and couldn’t pull myself together and thought I was going to die. I went and sat on the toilet but quickly realized that was a bad idea. I told my husband we needed to get to the hospital. So a painful but swift ride to the hospital we get there and I can’t even answer the questions in triage because the contractions were coming so hard and close so they did a quick check I was at a 6 so they admitted me quickly and started iv and did blood work as fast as they could. In about an hour and a half of getting to the hospital I got my epidural as soon as it kicked in the world was a much more beautiful place. They did my cervix check and broke my water and boom I was at a 9 I stayed at 9 for about an hour then it was time to bring my sweet June bug Delaney Rivers into the world!!! I’m so excited and happy she is here. Beautiful and healthy, born at 2:35 a.m. Thursday 6-7-18. 7.11 pounds and 20.5 inches