feeling forced to name my baby something that I don't like..

so the father & I have been off & on for 6 years, we are not together & he honestly has not been there for a lot of this pregnancy, he was terrible to me in the beginning & still continues to talk down to me & treat me like complete shit a lot of the time.

His friend (who I have known for 6 years since knowing him) was unfortunately hit & killed by a car a couple of months ago. He was an only child & it truly devastated his mother. Baby's dad made up a name using part of his friends name (Miguel) & part of his other daughters name (Violenna) Mig'walenna, we are both native, yes it sounds slightly native & honoring Miguel would be a nice thing to do, however I do not want to name my child that. I have expressed to him many times that I do NOT want to use that name. We had this discussion again yesterday that I do not want to name the baby that, I feel that we should at least agree on a name together. Today he saw Miguel's mom & told her that is what we are naming the baby if we have a girl, she cried &said; how beautiful it was & I'm sure made her feel amazing that he would honor her son like that, he told me himself that part of the reason he did that was so that I couldn't back out of it. I am so overwhelmed because I have expressed so many times that yes I understand the reasoning but no I do not want to name my child that. now I feel forced/guilted into it because I seem like a total piece of shit taking that away from a grieving mother.

I am just at a loss for what to do, I only have 9 weeks left until this child is here.

I need advice please ladies.. 😔😔