

Sometimes I think my friend hates me because I’m afraid he got the sense that i liked him and I worry I was too much on him. He’s never done anything to me that would indicate that he hates me and has never done anything that impacted my emotional being. Worst he’s ever done was not respond to a text when i wished him a good summer, which is no big deal because I’m guilty of that as well and it happens to everyone. The last thing I wanna do Is make a rash decision that will end up risking our friendship.

I’m just going insane. I don’t want to stop being friends or just leave him like that because I don’t want to regret it or make rash decisions. I’m worried that if I get him a gift from Italy this summer it will scare him off.

I don’t know why I’m getting all this paranoia about him. I know he was stressed out last semester and he just seemed really tired on the outside. I feel really bad. I feel bad at times for telling him

About my depression. I really don’t want to stress him out with my issues.

Last time I spoke with him about my depression was almost two months ago. I told him I started crying out of nowhere and that I’ve been so fatigued because I was anemic at the time. I asked him for a hug since i was just really sad and needed someone and comfort.

He’s always the first one to greet me when he sees me. We always talk sometimes when we have the chance too. He’s even let me help out at school events (were part of a club that plans for school events and he was my committee leader) . He even thanked me once for my help because he thought I was doing really good.

I know I’m going on some rampage but I’m

Not sure how to handle these emotions. Any ideas?