feeling flustered

so here it is... the other half and I are 33/34yrs old. we have known eachother since we were 10, and have dated many times through life- never had a fight, ever- weird, right?! lol. been together a few yrs now, and its a forever thing. anyhows... we found out recently I have some female issues of cyst type things, and doctors recommended if we want kids, now is the time to try, because I may be looking at hysterectomy in a few years, since they cant remove the masses they found. They 'say' they will not endanger a pregnancy or myself if we were to concieve. well, we have been 'casually' trying for about a year. and stopped using any protection, over 2 1/2 yrs ago. not a single gosh darn close call to being preggo yet. his job is incredibly physically demanding, and most nights, he is way too tired to do anything- literally. Hes the kind that can fall asleep mid thrust, if you catch my drift. preseed is useless, as i have no issues in the moisture dept. ive used glow for 4 yrs- periods and cycles are spot on! i have taken ovulation tests monthly- theyre also spot on. my questions are these: am i the oldest one in here? i see mostly young 20s posting. second question.. any tips for over the counter aids for my fertility or his sex drive, that are actually safe and don't cary risks of hightened blood pressure?? heres the ultimate kicker: my best friend, who has has multiple children and isnt raising any of them (they were placed for adoption) had a one night stand while living with us temporarily the last few months... and BAM... shes pregnant, and plans to abort. seriously, this crushes me. im pro choice, but literally right in my face, when im trying like hell to have just one, while i still can :(