Finally got pregnant with no period for months!

kitkat • We are expecting our first baby ♥️

Just wanted to make this post - even if it gives one woman out there hope!

I stopped my pill back in August 2017 and had 3 very long cycles but thought at least I’ve got a period back! Well that stopped with my last period being in December so have had no period since then.

Taken multiple tests along the way and all BFN. Was so low and depressed all these months thinking what’s the point, you can’t get pregnant without a period.

Around four weeks ago I started getting slight cramps and very sore nipples and got excited thinking maybe a period was on it’s way. Last week I could smell everything and was super grumpy and my boobs had got really veiny so... took a test on Monday and I couldn’t believe what I saw... I honestly feel so so lucky and think I’m about 6-7 weeks possibly!!!

So to anyone struggling with periods after coming off the pill, I am proof you don’t need a period to ovulate - don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise!

Just keeping everything crossed it all goes ok! Baby dust to all, TTC is a very stressful and depressing time but when it happens, it’s all worth it and I believe these 9 months have taught me just how precious a gift it truly is and not to take one second for granted ♥️