Pregnancy & Bipolar

Brittany • Clarke Elizabeth McCormick born 10/23/2019 😍❤️ TTC Baby #2

I have thought it over long and hard but my conclusion remains the same. I want to have a baby. A few years ago I was formally diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I would hate to pass it on to my babies but I have dreamed of getting pregnant for as long I can remember. Lots of people have thrown shade saying that I obviously don’t care about the welfare of my child. You are wrong. The health and well-being of my child is the only thing I think about and obsess over. My husband is supportive. I wish more people were supportive of my choices. For those of you who are thinking, well why can’t you just adopt? Well we want to become foster parents too. We would love to adopt some children. I’m not against it, it’s something we talk about daily. I’m not a egotistical asshole. I’m not a reckless thinker. I just want to feel like my life is not a complete mistake. 😔