My relationship


Hey Guys I’m in a difficult situation that I’m not sure how to handle. When me and my bf started we were both about each other. But now it seems like he wants to be free as in I guess start going out and stuff. It was a big change. He’s a very sarcastic person and his attitude has got worse. Lately it’s been about his friends more than me and I’ve spoken to him about it. He tells me they’re gonna be there when I’m not. He also says he will find another girl if we break up. I just feel depressed. When I walk away he doesn’t chase me and because I love him I chase him. I feel stupid. He likes to wait until I leave to then text me. I feel like he only does this when it’s convenient for him but he doesn’t care about my feelings. Guys idk what to do I really love him but deep down I don’t see us lasting because he doesn’t put any effort. It feels one sided. Atleast some advice would help(: