Lifting toddler after c-section


I am now 7 days postpartum having had a repeat c-section last week.

I’m finding it extremely difficult to abide by the limitations set by my doctor. I know they’re there for a reason, a c-section is a major surgery.

I was told at the hospital as well as yesterday that absolutely no driving at least until my 2 week follow up. No problem.

And absolutely no heavy lifting or anything heavier than baby for at least 6 weeks. This is where it gets tricky. I have a 23 month old who normally I am constantly picking up, carrying, and lifting in and out of her crib.

Does anyone have any tips on how to be able to gently lift her, without putting a strain on the incision? I’m doing everything I can to not pick her up..but there are certain times when there is no other option to get her out of her crib. She’s not ready for a toddler bed just yet.

For those who have a toddler at home as well, how did you adjust after having a c-section?

Thank you!