Has anyone conceived naturally with poor sperm motility and morphology?

Just wondering if any one has had any success conceiving naturally with hubby/SO having a normal sperm count but poor sperm motility and morphology? Just looking for some sort of hope because we can't afford <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and I really don't want to have to be the one ending up getting daily injections or clomid when I ovulate normally every month on my own. Been ttc baby #1 for 9 months and I'm 31 and my husband is 34yrs old. I had a vaginal ultrasound 2 weeks ago. Everything looked normal, could tell I had just ovulated and there were 2 follicles so had chance of twins (unfortunately AF just reared it's ugly head though!😭). My periods are regular and completely normal. I know I ovulate every month from using opks and temping. My husband, on the other hand, has only 6% normal sperm morphology and 48% motility but only 3% type 3+ motility (which from my understanding are the only ones actually moving forward and able to fertilize the egg). He has been on fertility supplements for 8 months and I made him quit smoking a month ago to try to improve his sperm quality. He also had low semen volume of 1.5ml, high semen ph of 8.5, and liquefaction didn't occur so I had him go see a urologist to see if he also has a prostate problem. His testosterone, LH, FSH, prolactin all came back normal. The urologist wasn't any help at all and made out like it must be my fault for why we haven't conceived yet and that his swimmers should have no problems reaching and fertilizing the egg. This is very frustrating since if that were the case he wouldn't have had to go see the doctor in the first place! Just really depressing! I have to wait until a year of trying before they will do any more tests on me and it is unlikely I have a problem, unless I have blocked tubes, which requires an expensive dye test and/or surgery to diagnose, both of which are not covered by insurance. I don't want to give up hope but it's so hard not to. If his swimmers can't reach or fertilize the egg I'm afraid our only option will be <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>, which we can't afford. What makes it harder to bear is that I tried to adopt my 3 nephews and neice 3 yrs ago and failed solely because they had been with the foster parents so long, even though I had fought to get them placed with me from the very beginning. Then my sister had another baby 2 yrs ago, they placed with the paternal grandma, they never even called me! I found out from the adoptive mother of the other 4 kids, who had been called first. She had told the case worker to call me, I would take him in. I called them immediately the same day when I found out, but he had already been placed 😡. The system is so screwed up! Then to make matters worse, I recently found out my other sister had an abortion solely because the father didn't want the baby. She makes 6 figures year there is no reason she couldn't have kept the baby. Plus I would have adopted it in a heart beat and she knows that. Just breaks my heart that I'm the one who wants a baby so badly with full means to take care of one, but can't have one. Meanwhile, women all over the world, like my sisters, just neglect them or throw them away like trash. Babies are a gift from God and I just can't understand these women! I know life isn't fair but this has to be the biggest injustice! 😭😭