Pregnant from sex 3 days before ovulation!


I am so excited!! I just found out I’m pregnant BUT my husband is traveling for work and doesn’t get back until the 19th ahh!!

My husband travels regularly for work. We got married in April 2017 and started trying in January. Almost every month since, he has either been gone while I’m ovulating or here for only part of my “fertile week.” I thought we’d be out this month but we had sex on Sunday and then on Monday (the same day he left for work) and I ovulated on Thursday (confirmed via OPK and BBT). I did have EWCM on Monday so I knew that there might be a chance for us but didn’t want to get my hopes up. There had been other months where we had sex closer to ovulation and it didn’t happen, which was another reason I wanted to remain cautiously optimistic.

Anyways, last week on Saturday (9DPO), I felt really tired (like I needed a nap and I never take naps) and I started having REALLY tender breasts. Sore breasts is normal for me before AF but they usually only last two days or so and rarely do they get THAT sore. Sunday they were just as sore and by Tuesday the tenderness had definitely lightened up but was still there. AF was due on Thursday and on Wednesday evening (13DPO), I started feeling a heaviness and dull ache in my uterus (JUST LIKE the feeling before my period starts). It was more constant and a little stronger than usual. The next morning I tested and got my BFP!

My breasts are still tender and I feel slightly bloated. I’ve had a few small pimples on my chin and one on my nose and although that’s not a regular occurrence, it does happen every now and then. I’m also still feeling tired but I wonder if that’s partly in my head. Other than that I’m feeling great. I just can’t believe that I have to wait another week and a half to tell my husband (it just wouldn’t be the same telling him via FaceTime).

I wanted to share my story and wish everyone luck who’s TTC! Sending love and blessings to you all!! ❤️❤️❤️