Am I losing it???

So at the beginning of this year I was electrocuted. When I got checked they were like “oh you’re good, nothing to worry about” but two weeks later I totaled my car. Ever since then I’ve just been... off. This is what I told my boyfriend about it cuz it’s been stressing me out

Yeah that’s everything that’s going on, and today I almost got in a crazy accident and I’m still shaken up about it. Last week I scratched my dad’s car by scraping it against the side of the garage bc I didn’t pull in right, and about a month ago I drove over a curb... I’ve been making tons of other driving mistakes as well but those are the most memorable ones. I was also scheduled to work last week and just plain forgot??? So I didn’t go in and got in trouble with my boss... yeah so if anyone knows anything about what could be wrong with me that’d be great because it’s been giving me a lot of anxiety..