1st trimester bad habit..

LaToya • Boy mom x3💙

Hey ladies, I’m 7w4d according to the app and I have my very first appointment on Monday morning. I’m carrying what will be my rainbow baby I’d everything goes according to plan🤞🏽but there is one pre-pregnancy habit that is plaguing me—I’m still a smoker. I know, I know, smoking is bad all the way around. I’m also aware of the side effects it has on an unborn baby so please don’t crucify me on this one. When I got pregnant last year, as soon as I got the faintest line, I stopped smoking cold turkey and fought back nicotine withdrawals and did “everything right” only to miscarry a few weeks later. I’m not using this as an excuse to continue to smoke during my first trimester, I’ve actually given myself a 3-a-day cigarette limit to slowly ween myself off. This is definitely harder that I imagined this time time around and I don’t expect on taking this habit into my second trimester if I’m lucky enough. Am I the only one still holding onto bad habits?