Anyone experienced anything like this?

Basically my last period was on the 15/04/18 so it would make me almost 8 weeks. I have PCOS with really bad ovarian cysts. 2 weeks ago I started spotting pinkish,brown blood which 3 days later progressed to heavy red blood with tiny clots in. A day later my bleeding was not as heavy however I was cramping and had back pains an hour later the pain completely went. Later on I then went to the toilet to pee in which I felt something fall out of me. I look down to see a 50p sized clot which I took out of the toilet to take to the hospital. I then went to the ER on the 3/6/18 till the 4/6/18. My cervix were examined in which I was told that my cervix were closed and there was nothing irritating my cervix. I was swabbed for infection which came back negative. My blood was taken to check my hcg as well as my urine which came back positive. The next morning I was sent to the EPU in which they did a scan, the women could not see anything because of me having strong stomach muscles so was given an internal scan, in which I couldn’t see anything but the sac baby would be in. The Scanning women the told me I had miscarried. I was then taken into a separate room with the head of the EPU who told me she thought my pregnancy may be ectopic and not a miscarriage, she also went on to say that everything maybe fine and I’m just one of the unlucky people who experience bleeding in their first trimester. She then claimed my blood results had come back as 138hcg. I was told to go home on bed rest and go back every 48hrs for blood tests. A week on I am still bleeding however none of the heavy bleeding is accompanied by cramping. I’ve been taking a pregnancy test everyday since the day I passed the clot, they started to get darker then fainter then darker again. Anyone experienced anything like this?