Miscarriage Scare

Jazz • 🐔🐤🐥🐣🐣

I’m freaking out. So far this pregnancy has been normal, I had my confirmation appointment last Tuesday where my doctor did a pelvic exam and transvaginal ultrasound. Everything looked good. The little bean was measuring exactly right. My fiancé and I saw the heart beat.

Everything looked great. We fell in love with our little bean.

Then today, I felt wet down there. There was nothing in my underwear but I wiped and there was a good amount of blood. I immediately told my fiancé and we were on our way to the emergency room immediately.

While waiting to get called to the back, I went to the bathroom and did another wipe. The blood was bright red this time, but less. I got called to the back, the doctor did another pelvic exam and checked my cervix. It was high and closed, he also said there was no active bleeding.

They performed an ultrasound as well and babies heart beat was there flickering on screen, strong at 160 beats per minute.


I felt relieved. The doctors told me that bleeding can be normal in the first trimester but they can’t rule out miscarriage. I was no longer bleeding at all at that point. They said everything should be fine and told me to just follow up with my OBGYN at my next appointment this upcoming Thursday.

Fast forward to a few hours after leaving the emergency room, I’m bleeding again. A couple of hours later, I’m bleeding and cramping. The bleeding isn’t heavy, it’s more so like spotting. 😫

But I’m freaking out. I keep checking my panties for blood with clots in it. I’m anxious and crying. My fiancé just keeps telling me that it isn’t a miscarriage and it’s normal. 🤬 it isn’t normal for me, I don’t understand why this is happening and the doctors couldn’t even give me an answer except it’s normal.

I just needed to rant and share what’s going on because I’m freaked out. 😖

Update: it is now Monday and I am still spotting. My next appointment with my obgyn is on Thursday and my fiancé is telling me to call them and have them push it up. I told him no, there’s nothing they can do. I am just screaming at the skies for everything to be alright 😞