Bright red spotting at week 10 😭😭😭


At 10 weeks and 4 days... I am beside myself and can’t sleep since I found bright red blood after sex. It wasn’t during. It was right after. I felt kind of a weird pain right before I noticed it. Not much cramping though at least not that I can tell. It’s obviously not implantation bleeding, right? I’m pretty sure it’s too late for that. My mom told me a few days ago she had zero spotting and the whole thing just freaks me out. It’s my first pregnancy. I just had my first appointment a few days ago and baby was looking healthy and strong. I’m preparing for the worst now 😞 but then there’s that part of me that’s hoping it’s nothing. I messaged my doctor and we’ll see from there. For now I’m just chilling and trying to rest. Just wanted to vent on here. Insights are welcome, encouragement needed 😓