Hoping This isn’t pre term labor starting!

Brandi • Mom of 2 lovely boys. Having 2 kids in 2 years is the best birth control 😂💙

I’m 3 days short of 30 weeks pregnant with my second baby. I just moved 440 miles from my hometown and do not have a doctor here yet. I’ve spent the last week doing a lot of physical labor; packing, lifting, cleaning, unpacking. . . Then all day today I have had constant but light, period like cramping. This is exactly how labor with my first started. With my first, it didn’t come in waves like contractions, so I remember being in denial about being in labor. Even after my water broke (I thought I had lost bladder control and kept peeing myself, lol), and the cramps started getting a little worse, in 2 min increments, I still thought the cramps were too light to be real labor. Finally after losing my mucus plug, I decided to go to the hospital and told them I might be in labor, 😆. This time around, I am a lot more nervous because I know I’m at risk for preterm labor due to waiting only 6 months between pregnancies. Also, I am overdue for an OB appointment due to the move and have no idea how the baby is doing. I’ve been counting kicks, but other than that, I’m in the dark. I haven’t had my TDAP vaccine yet, which I wanted to have as early in my 3rd trimester as possible in case I go into preterm labor. TDAP is also required for my new job, so when I went in for my pre employment health screen I thought the nurse would give it to me, but she refused and said she wanted my OB to give it to me. Even after I pushed for it, saying I don’t have an OB here yet, she refused. So now if I go into labor, my son is not protected from whooping cough. :( Every time I’ve called a nurse hotline, they just tell me to see my doctor, so I know that is a waste of time. I start my job, 10 hour shifts, tomorrow, so unless I can call tomorrow on break and make an appointment, then use my 30 min lunch break to do all of my new patient paperwork plus the appointment, I don’t see how I’m going to get any medical care until my water breaks and I am in the ER, with no doctor or professional who is aware of my medical history or risks. I’m freaking out! Anyone who has had Braxton Hicks contractions, has it ever been a constant period like cramp, instead of waves of cramping?