Don’t want to lose him from emotions

Hey ladies! Me and my boyfriend have been having a rough patch and I feel like I’ve just been having a hard time with myself and him by subconscious creating an expectation of how he loves me and how he’s supposed to love me, which results in me wanting to push him away. I’ve also been thinking about breaking up with him because of the stress I’m enduring. I tend to focus on the negatives like what he did that I didn’t like and getting mad at him (mostly for dumb little things, but that set me OFF) or the things he could’ve done and honestly I’m coming to terms with I feel like I expect too much when he already does so much for me. Such as always buying tickets so I can see him (ldr) or he bought me sushi and a card when I got off the bus on Friday to see him. I love him dearly and I don’t want to push him away. How can I be happy and not worry about the little things and how can we work through this? :)