Never been so afraid of something


I’m 6+5 today and I’ve never been so scared in my life. This is my 6th pregnancy. I’ve had three miscarriages, one ectopic, one living and now this one. I just lost one before this March 1st, 2018 at 9 weeks. I’ve already had one scare where I thought I lost the baby already a week ago and wound up in the ER with really heavy bleeding. It stopped that Sunday night. Last Wednesday I had a scan done and I thought for sure I was not going to see anything but there was my baby measuring 6+1 which is later than I was cause I was only 5. My HCG levels were30,000. Since Friday I’ve had brown old blood every time I wipe. Ive been on bed rest since Sunday and currently have legs elevated. I still have yet to get a single symptom. Not even sore or tender breasts. I’m really worried and scared that it will happen again. I’ve tried to be positive but I just can’t. I’ve just gotten to the point to expect the worst. It’s depressing. I’m trying not to stress out because it’s not good for the baby but it’s just so damn hard. I know there’s others out there feeling like this. I’m glad I can come here and voice my fears. Hoping this little guy sticks with me. My next scan is June 19th.