Raise your hand if you never thought you'd be here.


Semi regular periods, check. Tracking cycles, check. Ovulating monthly, check. Prenatals, check. Timing BD, check. Financially stable, check. Super fertile women in the family, check check check. Pregnant? Nope!

Look I know there are women on here who have waited much longer than me (much respect, sympathy, and KUDOS to all you ladies!). But being in my 7th unsuccessful month of trying to concieve just never really seemed like a possibility and now that I'm here it's just weird, ha. Can anyone else relate to thinking your ttc journey would look so different than what it does? I'm pretty good at not obsessing/worrying about it, but every now and then I look at the calendar and see how much time has passed, or get a baby shower invite or pregnancy announcement and I just think WTF.

What do you guys do to be a supportive friend, show up to baby showers, or just keep smilin while the months tick by?