How would you have reacted?

So my husband and I went grocery shopping yesterday. We always go together. Every time we go I always pick up some Tuna fish. I get the pouches, and eat them for lunch. Well literally every single time I pick them up he complains. He doesn’t like them. I eat them for lunch, so he’s at work when I eat them. Seriously for years every time I pick them up he complains. I never said anything I just ignore it. So, I pick them up yesterday, and of course he says something. Once agin I just ignore it. Well today, I was looking for one to eat. He put the groceries away yesterday, so I text and ask him where did he put it. He said “they’re in the store.” I go “what, Are you serious?” He says “yeah I put them back when you weren’t looking, I just forgot to tell you last night.” Honestly, I kinda lost it. You see, we don’t have much food here. The small amount of food we got were just supposed to last us until Friday. So I don’t have much lunch stuff to eat. He claims it was joke. Well, it wasn’t funny, and very immature. It wasn’t a huge fight, but I was pretty pissed. I get them because they are healthy. He complains when I eat junk, but when I try to eat healthy he does that. I literally don’t ask him for much. I have sacrificed our home, my job, my schooling all for him to be successful. I don’t ask him for shit. Just to make sure all of the bills are paid and that our daughter is taken care of. Literally the very few thing I ask for he puts them back. He doesn’t understand why I’m so upset about it. I make sure he has a meal, clean clothes, I take care of our daughter with little to no help, and he does some immature shit like that. He claims I’m overreacting, but that was my lunch. Now I have to figure something out. How would you have reacted? Do you think it was a simple joke, or was he very immature?

Update: Thank you ladies for your support! I thought I would get a lot of comments telling me that I overreacted. I actually thought that I overreacted, and was a little crazy, but you ladies helped me realize that I wasn’t the wrong one here. Yes, my husband is very immature for a 27 year old. It’s astonishing and embarrassing.