Loss and work leave


So my nan died in the week, my boss was lovely and I felt really supported as she told me not to come in until Monday that was today, so I went in and I normal get paid on a Saturday (my boss is away but is taking o her doighter that the manager) i got paid today for one day that’s like £35 I feel completely screwed over. I didn’t really want to go in this week ether as I was really close to my nan and I am struggling with her passing. I don’t know what to do as I don’t have much holiday pay left

But I dont want to go in as I am sad and I feel like they are playing on it. Any advice??

Also I didn’t know that she was not going to pay me I’m only 19 and this is my first loss in the work place.

Also sorry if this is a wrong group I don’t know where to put this