MIL always comes first


so I know my husband's mom is important to him. even though their past, I don't see why. in the past, she chose everything over her kids, lost custody for awhile, then when she did get them back, didn't treat them the best. well we have been together for 2 years, and he's always put her first. her feelings, opinions, wishes. if I want his back on something, i legit have to fight him and then threaten to leave (for him to even care how I'm feeling). anyway, I'm 17 weeks pregnant, so maybe I'm being emotional. he tells her his issues with the doctor, help getting prescriptions, stick up for him, and also a bunch of shit only his wife should do. I ask him to keep shit between us...especially when it comes to his meds (she has an addiction and uses him for his meds). he will tell me he wont, and then, he goes behind my back. when I ask if he's talked to her (out of curiosity) he says no...then I find out the truth later. I just feel that if me and the baby don't come first now, we never will.