do you think ill find someone?

I've just turned 21 and I've never had a boyfriend, never had a relationship, never been on a date let alone kissed a guy. I've just met up with a guy I was talking to for the first ever time (I really liked him) but tbf there wasn't much of a spark and he didn't seem too keen on me. so now I'm thinking and doubting myself. like what if I never meet anyone? what if I never fall in love? I'm not a very social person, I only have one friend (who is a close dear friend), I don't go to uni and my work is mainly isolated so I don't have any colleagues. this means I don't have any opportunities to meet new people so I'm scared I'm never gonna meet someone and I'll just have to stick to online dating apps. which is fine, to a certain extent, because we could meet and they might not like what I look like (as proven recently). do you think I'll ever find someone? or shall I just resign myself to a life alone with my cat