Am I going crazy?

I need to vent and I can’t talk to anyone so I’ll throw it out here for you ladies! I’ve been with my guy for almost 10 years now we have a 2 year oldz Thru out our whole relationship he has never had any kind of social media hes always said he has no need for it etc. Well a week ago he made a Facebook. He added me on there and hasn’t added anyone else or searched anyone else he was showing me today. He also made an Instagram and showed me that too he followed me. I don’t mind him having them I just find it so strange to accept that he wants one now cause we’ve been together forever and not once has he ever mentioned wanting one. He says he thought it be funny to make them since the apps came on his new phone he just bought. I can’t help but let my mind wander if he’s searching girls or looking at the Instagram ladies on there like idk. He has no profile pics or any info on his accounts. He says he don’t know how to use them and that he just made them to make them. Idk what to feel or think... what do you all ladies think am I just being paranoid? I just keep thinking if he all of sudden gets a snap chat imma lose it lol

Update* thank you ladies for your opinions maybe I am just paranoid :/ no I don’t have a concious or have done anythingI don’t want him to see. He would always and still does look at my Facebook just to browse it or my instagram. I’ve always been faithful and so has he. I just lately have had low sed esteem issues I guess.